Tuesday, October 9, 2012

~Homemade Burger~

Waktu itu beli daging sapi cincang cukup banyak. Mau buat apa ya??? Akhirnya ambil sedikit untuk buat patty burger. Apa sih patty? Pernah denger kan di film Spongebob?? Hehe...

"A patty, in American and New Zealand English, is a flattened, usually disc-shaped, serving of ground meat or meat alternatives. The meat is compacted and shaped, cooked if applicable, and served. Patties can be eaten with a knife and a fork, in dishes like Salisbury steak, but are typically served in a sandwich called a hamburger, if made from ground beef. The patty itself is also called a burger, whether or not it's served in a sandwich, especially in the United Kingdom and Ireland, where the term "patty" is rarely used.
Similar-shaped savoury cakes not made from ground meat may also be called "burger": "turkey burgers" or "fishburgers" may be made from reshaped mechanically separated meat. Sometimes burgers are breaded. Veggie burgers are made without animal products. In Ireland, traditional chippers often serve batter burger (a beef-based patty dipped in batter and deep fried) or spice burger (a patty made to a proprietary recipe of meats and spices).[1] These are served in a greaseproof paper bag and eaten with the hands." (Sumber: Wikipedia)

Homemade Patty
1 sdm mentega
200 gr Daging Sapi cincang
1 lembar Roti Tawar
30 cc susu cair
1 butir telur ayam kocok
Garam, gula, merica secukupnya

Cara membuat:
- Celup roti tawar kedalam susu cair sampai meresap
- Campur daging cincang, telur kocok, garam, gula, merica dan roti tawar+susu; lalu campur menggunakan tangan yang sudah dilapis sarung tangan
- Pipihkan sampai 1/2 cm di plastik pembungkus (saya jadi kira-kira 6 pcs)
- Kukus selama 30 menit, angkat
- Panaskan pinggan tahan panas, beri mentega lalu masukkan daging
- Atur dengan roti burger, bisa juga ditambah telur dan sayuran untuk menambah gizi

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